Study of Graduate Psychology at the University of Osnabrueck (Diplomate Psychologist)
Teaching assignment for Developmental Psychology at the University of Vechta
Qualification: „Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie“ (HPPT) (Non-medical Practitioner of Psychotherapy)
Ward psychologist at the KJP (Child Psychiatry) in Osnabrueck for 5 years
Extra training "Systemische Therapeutin und Beraterin" (IFW / SG) (Systemic Therapist and Counselor)
Working with Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT / MEA) since 2002
At first working as a substitute counselor at the psb (Psychosocial Counseling Service for Students) in Osnabrueck, then further developing the psb for students in Vechta since 2005
ahimsa e.V. - Association for Coaching against Violence in Schools
Coach for “Systemisches Elterncoaching und Professionelle Praesenz” (IFW) (Systemic Parent Coaching and Professional Presence)
Trainings on Crete for the AKJP (Academy for Child Psychotherapy) since 2006
Teaching assignment for Systemic Therapy at the University of Osnabrueck for 3 years
Trainings for MEA at the Caritas Sozialwerk Vechta (church operated social institution)
Extra training "Systemische Supervision und Institutionsberatung" (IFW / SG) (Systemic Supervision and Organizational Consultation)
since 2011 "More than Vacations"-programs in Lentas on Crete
since 2014 Trainings for Colleagues for MEA in Osnabrück